New animation promoting EST published in IWJ

A short novel animation which sums up the mode of action and clinical results achieved when using Accel-Heal by wound care experts around the world is now available from Wiley publishing.


The infographic video summarises an impactful study which was published earlier this year.


The report, which was published in the peer review International Wound Journal, highlights the early impacts Accel-Heal can have on a range of different hard-to-heal wounds and associated pain.


Accel-Heal was applied for 12 days to 40 non-healing wounds. Many patients were experiencing high pain levels with sleep disruption, impacting their quality of life.


The electrical stimulation from Accel-Heal improved a high proportion of wounds and had a significant effect on pain reduction, resulting in many cases the discontinuation of analgesia and improved well-being.


According to the report, “78% of wounds showed a marked positive clinical response”. Significantly, “almost every patient (96%) with pain experienced reduction within 48 hours and all patients with painful wounds experienced pain reduction after seven days”.


Watch our animation videos below:

English version:

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