Three posters supporting the use of Accel-Heal Solo were presented at the recent Wounds UK Annual Conference. The 2023 conference was held in Harrogate between 6-8 November and aimed to update delegates on the latest clinical opinion, research and policy from around the UK.

The benefits of using this therapy – highlighted by the posters – included progress towards wound healing, reduced wound pain, and improved quality of life in patients with various types of leg ulcers.

The posters:

1.‘Stepping up treatment with active interventions for hard-to-heal wounds using electrical stimulation therapy (EST) Accel-Heal Solo: A case series demonstrating the benefits of using a simple 12-day EST to reduce pain and stimulate healing when combined with standard of care’ (Clarke and Ovens)1

The poster highlighted the implementation of a clinical care pathway to include Accel-Heal Solo for the treatment of long-standing venous and recurrent venous leg ulcers in Northumbria Healthcare Community Trust.

Accel-Heal Solo was applied continuously for the 12-day treatment period, alongside standard of care. After the 12-day treatment period, two patients reported minimal or no pain and the third patient reported a 46% pain reduction compared to baseline. Wound size was reduced by 46–100% after the 12-day treatment period and in one patient, by 100% after 41 days. All patients had improved quality of life.

View the poster here.

2. ‘Development of a clinical pathway to support targeted usage of electrical stimulation wound therapy (Accel-Heal Solo) to reduce wound pain and accelerate healing of venous and mixed aetiology leg ulcers in a specialist lower limb community clinic’ (Layflurrie and Ovens)2

HertsOne GP Federation conducted an observational evaluation over six weeks in 11 patients with venous and mixed aetiology leg ulcers. Every patient demonstrated pain reduction and improved wound healing. Based on the positive results, the team developed a clinical care pathway to educate and guide HCPs in the use of the cost-effective evidence-based Accel-Heal Solo in clinical practice.

View the poster here.

3. ‘Reduction in wound pain associated with electrical stimulation therapy results in a corresponding decrease in analgesic consumption: an evaluation of patients with painful leg ulcers’ (Moon et al)3

The study evaluated the use of Accel-Heal Solo in 20 patients with hard-to-heal leg ulcers and demonstrated a meaningful reduction in wound pain and progress towards wound healing. As wound pain reduced, a corresponding decrease in analgesic consumption was observed, including a cessation in some cases of controlled analgesics like codeine and gabapentin. Patients also reported being able to start their favourite activities again, like gardening, where previously their wound pain had prevented them.

The study concluded Accel-Heal Solo kick-started the wound healing process and may provide a valid adjunct to oral analgesia for persistent wound pain in patients with hard-to-heal wounds.

View the poster here.

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