
A patient with painful recurrent arterial ulcers which had been present for six months, healed nine weeks after starting Accel-Heal therapy.

Before Accel-Heal

A 75-year-old patient presented with recurrent arterial foot ulcers on her right foot that had been present for four months in March 2013. She had previously experienced foot ulcers in 2009 and suffered an MRSA infection. The patient was a smoker with poor ankle movement, claw toes and poor mobility who had been self-caring for her wounds with support from her brother and husband who were podiatrists.

On presentation, there were two wounds present, measuring approximately 6cm2 . The wounds were painful with a score of 8/10. A gel sheet was applied to re-hydrate the wounds. Although this initially reduced the pain to 4/10 within a few weeks (by the end of April) there were no further improvements and the pain score had increased back up to 8/10.

During treatment with Accel-Heal

Therapy with Accel-Heal began in May 2013. Accel-Heal was applied alongside the gel-sheet dressings which were changed twice weekly throughout the 12-day Accel-Heal therapy.

Within five days of commencing Accel-Heal therapy, the patient’s pain score had reduced to 0/10. The wound bed was much improved, with reductions in both size and depth.


After the 12-day therapy period, the wound continued to be managed with gel sheet dressings, twice weekly.

The wound continued to progress and complete healing was achieved by the end of July 2013. In August 2013, the patient underwent an angioplasty to help prevent a recurrence.

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