which had been present for more than four months was treated with Accel-Heal. Both wounds significantly improved within three months following Accel-Heal therapy.
Before Accel-Heal
A 75-year-old patient presented with bilateral recurrent venous leg ulcers, despite wearing compression hosiery. The wounds remained unhealed at 4 months. The wound on the left leg wound measured 7cm2 and the wound on the right leg wound measured 10cm2 .
Despite wearing graduated high compression bandaging for four weeks, there was no improvement noted. He was referred to the vascular team for possible vascular surgery, in view of his recurrence. His pain score was 6/10 despite taking regular co-codamol and he was referred to the GP for analgesic review.
During treatment with Accel-Heal
Following discussion and consent, the patient was prescribed Accel-Heal therapy with the aim of reducing wound pain and kick-start wound healing. In view of the size, depth and condition of the wound, it was decided to apply the electrode pads to the left medial wound.
Accel-Heal therapy began in February 2017 and continued for 12-days. Standard moist wound healing and graduated high-compression therapy continued during and following Accel-Heal therapy. Twice weekly dressing changes continued. The patient changed his own Accel-Heal devices every 48-hours, in line with the instructions provided.

Figure 1. Left medial aspect 24/01/17 prior to Accel-Heal

Figure 2. Right medial aspect on 24/01/17 prior to Accel-Heal

Figure 3. Left medial wound on 28/03/17

Figure 4. Left medial wound on 09/05/17

Figures 5. Right medial wound on 09/05/17

Figures 6. Right medial wound on 09/05/17
Two weeks after starting Accel-Heal therapy, there was no change to the patient’s pain score, but the patient reported that much of his pain was now due to arthritis of the ankles, rather than wound-related pain. He was taking regular analgesia, following review by the GP.
By the end of March 2017, wound area on the patient’s left leg had significantly reduced, now measuring only 1cm 2 . The pain score had also reduced to 2/10. Dressing changes could now be reduced to once weekly; the wounds continued to improve. Unfortunately, the patient was lost to follow-up, so the time to complete healing could not be determined.