
A venous leg ulcer, with a history of reoccurrence within 3-months of healing was successfully treated with Accel-Heal. The VLU remained closed for 12-months following treatment.

Before Accel-Heal

A 57-year male presented with a venous leg ulcer which had been present for three years. The patient was receiving gold standard graduated high compression bandaging but despite this, the wound had showed no signs of progress.

The patient’s wound management was complicated by Type 2 diabetes, neuropathy and hypercholesterolemia. Past medical history included previous vascular surgery in 2012 and 2017. The wound measured approximately 0.8cm2 and 1mm deep. The wound was not painful.

During treatment with Accel-Heal

The 12-day Accel-heal therapy was commenced, with the aim to reduce the pain, and kick-start healing. A secondary aim was to improve the quality of healing to reduce the risk of recurrence. Accel-Heal therapy was applied along-side standard moist wound healing and high compression bandaging.

The wound was cleansed and debrided during dressing changes. Within one week of therapy with Accel-Heal the pain had considerably reduced and the wound was clean and advancing.


The wound completely healed within 3.5 weeks of starting therapy with Accel-Heal, by mid-October.

Although the patient’s wound had previously repeatedly broken down within 3 months of healing, this time there was no recurrence within 12 months at which point the patient was lost to follow up

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