Two patients with diabetic foot ulcers were treated with Accel-Heal. Both wounds improved during treatment.
Before Accel-Heal
Patient A
A 65 years old male patient, with fairly well-controlled diabetes mellitus, had undergone a left below-knee amputation in December 2019. The patient developed post operative blistering and infection in small area along the surgery site. This progressed to a wound measuring 3x2cm and 2cm deep. Over the subsequent three months, the wound made little progress, despite being managed in the wound clinic, with limited granulation tissue formation and no change to wound dimensions.
Patient B
A 67-year old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes, hypertension and on dialysis for the management of end-stage kidney disease, presented with a diabetic foot ulcer of 15-years duration. The patient had a history of repeated wound debridement procedures and treatment with different wound dressings. He had always been reluctant regarding use of off-loading shoes or devices.
During treatment with Accel-Heal
Patient A
Electrical stimulation was applied on 3rd March 2020, along with a collagen dressing (Suprasorb, L&R). By the end of the 12-day treatment period, the wound was observed to have progressed, with an improvement in granulation tissue obvious. Accel-Heal treatment was removed at this point and the wound was treated with Epifix.
By 14th April the wound had progressed well towards healing and was switched to a paraffin gauze dressing (Jelonet, S&N). Last visit for the patient was on 23rd April 2020, eight weeks after starting treatment with Accel-Heal, at which point the wound had healed completely.
Patient B
Electrical stimulation was applied on 17th March 2020, along-side a collagen dressing. (Suprasorb X, L&R). The dressing was changed every other day. The patient was also supported to use off-loading shoes and to improve his blood sugar levels.
At the end of the 12-day treatment period an improvement in the wound was noted.
Patient A - Before Treatment
Patient A - Immediately after Treatment
Patient A - Continued wound progression following treatment with Accel-Heal. Reductions in wound size were evidence by approximately 6 weeks after starting Accel-Heal therapy.
Patient A - Continued wound progression following treatment with Accel-Heal. The wound was healed 8 weeks after starting Accel-Heal therapy.
Patient B - Before Treatment
Patient B - Immediately after Treatment
Patient B - Continued wound progression following treatment with Accel-Heal. The wound was healed approximately 11 weeks after starting Accel-Heal therapy.
Accel-Heal was used with the aim of kick-starting healing in two previously non-healing diabetic foot ulcers. During the 12-day treatment period, the condition of both wounds improved.
This improvement continued after the Accel-Heal treatment came to an end; excellent results were observed in both patients, achieving full wound closure within 2 months of starting treatment with Accel-Heal.